Custom Foam Fabricators Logo Camelot Apartment Homes Sign Monument Model

Wholesale Sign Monuments to the Sign Industry by Custom Foam Fabricators

Custom Foam Fabricators, Inc.
Legal Disclaimer
The terms and conditions in this document reflect the common business practices of Custom Foam Fabricators ("CFFF/we/our/us") which apply unless other arrangements are made in writing with the client ("you/yours").

We require (in writing or otherwise) a Color Key for all projects. A Color Key is a diagram indicating which portions of each monument are to be what color. ALL Colors MUST be in a format that we accept. PMS (Pantone Matching Systems) is a color systems meant for commercial printing, NOT the sign industry. We can verbally state we can get 80% accurate from a PMS Color Number. For more accurate results, provide us with a major paint manufacturer color name and color number (example, Sherwin-Williams SW 6281 Wallflower). For near perfect results, please mail a physical sample of each color to our Office:

Custom Foam Fabricators
c/o Paint Dept.
125 Cecil Court
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Remember to include your Estimate or Invoice Number and name of Project with your samples.

In accordance with United States and International Law we hold the copyright on any design, sketch, artwork, or other creative work we have furnished unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. With the purchase of a design you are granted the right to use this design for labels, brochures, stationary, websites, garments and other non-signage use.

We reserve the right to be the sole fabricator of any sign we have designed and to display our work or images of our work for portfolio purposes. With the purchase of a “sign design”, the above rights are granted, but we will not specifically endeavor to create a design that meets all of the above application criteria. When a “logo design” has been purchased, we will endeavor to supply a design that meets all the above application criteria.

All drawings showing our trademark are our intellectual property and may not be copied, reproduced or forwarded to others by any means without our express permission. In cases where a logo, artwork, or other elements are provided by you to us, you warrant that the subject matter is not copyrighted by a third party or that you have been granted permission to use the copyrighted material on your sign. To support these warranties, you agree to indemnify us in any legal action connected with copyright infringement involving the work produced.

We will not be held responsible for undetected errors on a final design drawing that has been approved by you. Alterations requested by you after a final design drawing has been approved will incur additional charges.

We send you photography of your project before it is crated. This is your opportunity to get your client's approval BEFORE we crate and ship. Any changes in transit are your responsibility and will most likely cause a complete re-do in production, and you will be responsible for freight charges incurred in returning the product for (at our discretion) any alterations at additional costs if not a compete new production project.

We will gladly receive any components such as LED massage boards, graphics to integrate, electronic components, etc., BUT we are NOT responsible for the condition of these components upon receipt of delivery. We are also NOT responsible for any long-term storage of said components.

Signage becomes your property once the final balance payment has been received. We are responsible for the safety of this property while it is in our possession for up to two weeks or until it is shipped (whichever comes first). We will not be held responsible for the care of signs that remain uncollected for longer than 14 days.

In reference to ALL content, both literal and pictorial, on this site and all others developed and maintained by Custom Foam Fabricators:

All written content, visual representations, designs, imagery, and correspondence are the intellectual property of Custom Foam Fabricators and is protected under copyright law.

Any duplication of said content or any element is in direct violation of that law and will result in IMMEDIATE legal action.

Customer warrants the understanding that shipping costs quoted is a reasonably accurate estimate which will be adjusted to actual cost at the time of shipping. Customer will be responsible for the difference within ten days after customer is sent a copy of the actual shipping invoice.

The majority of our products are shipped to unload by manual labor (meaning 3-4 persons on site can easily unload). You are not authorized to add-on additional services, such as a lift gate, which incur additional charges on our freight carrier account. You should make us aware of any issues up front before we arrange shipping. You will be responsible for any additional freight up-charges incurred on all shipments.

Also, freight carrier charges are based on all factors such as overall dimensions of the final crate and total weight of products in the crate. We MUST meet freight carrier minimal requirements for distance from outer crate to inner product to meet insurance requirements. We can not tell how much the final assembly on any custom sign monument order will weigh. This being said, if you order a sign monument and we give you an initial quote, THE FINAL FREIGHT QUOTE WILL VARY based on the freight class factors at time of shipment. You as our customer are responsible for any additional freight charges on all shipments at time of shipment. To cover yourself, we suggest you add on 20% the value of any initial freight quote to the consumer to cover any overages.

Visit our Online Quote Request Form
Sign Industry Professionals
Use our Online Form to upload artwork and get an immediate Quote.
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Visit our Online Photo Gallery
Finished Sign Monument Photos
View completed photography of our EPS stucco sign monuments.
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Accepted Credit Cards for Payment
Accepted Credit Cards
Our project payment terms, accepted payment policies and conditions.
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